President Bush attacked his opponents yesterday, saying, "If you're going to
make an accusation, you ought to back it up with facts." (1) But on
everything from the economy to national security, this high standard stands
in sharp contrast to the president's own behavior.
On Iraq, President Bush said before the war that Iraq "recently sought
significant quantities of uranium from Africa" (2) despite the CIA
previously warning the White House not to make this factually inaccurate
statement (3). He also said there was "no doubt the Iraqi regime continues
to possess the most lethal weapons ever devised" (4) despite receiving
repeated warnings that there was little hard evidence Iraq possessed weapons
of mass destruction after 1991 (5). He even said that "we found the weapons
of mass destruction" when none had been found (6).
On economic policy, President Bush said that, with his tax plan, "by far the
vast majority of the help goes to the people at the bottom end of the
economic ladder." (7) In fact, according to Congress' bipartisan Joint
Committee on Taxation, households making less than $40,000 - roughly the
bottom half of the economic ladder - would receive only 10 percent of Bush's
income tax cut.
On the budget, President Bush said, "This nation has got a deficit because
we have been through a war." (8) He said this two months after his own
budget acknowledged that his economic policies and tax cuts for the
wealthy - not the war - were what created the largest deficits in American
history. (9)
1. Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Balkenende of the Netherlands in a Photo Opportunity, 03/16/2004.
2. State of the Union, 01/28/2003.
3. "Bush Aides Disclose Warnings From CIA", Washington Post, 07/23/2003.
4. President Says Saddam Hussein Must Leave Iraq Within 48 Hours, 03/17/2003.
5. "Doubts, dissent stripped from public Iraq assessment", Mercury News, 02/09/2004.
6. Interview of the President by TVP, Poland, 05/29/2003.
7. "Serial Exaggerators", Fair.Org.
8. President Discusses Plan for Economic Growth in Ohio, 04/24/2003.
9. "Secrets of S-3", GovExec.com, 02/12/2003.
This post is from misleader.org.
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