Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Friday, March 12, 2004

The Computer Ate My Vote!

Have you heard of e-voting, yet? How about the company Diebold?

If not, you're bound to hear more about how Diebold's AccuVote-TS machines used for electronic voting in a growing number of states have serious security flaws prone to hackers. Just as important, these e-voting machines do not, by default, provide voter-verifiable paper ballots to counteract the ill-will of hackers.

Having a paper-trail to confirm votes in the event of a recount may seem like a no-brainer to you and me, but Diebold has so far resisted adding affordable, voter-verifiable paper ballots unless coerced to do so by the states in which their machines are used.

To date, secretaries of state in California, Nevada, Vermont and Washington have taken steps to make certain each citizen's vote will be recorded on paper. Those are democrats and republicans, showing this is not an issue of partisanship but of safeguarding our democracy.

You can help ensure your vote will be counted by contacting your state election officials to demand a paper-trail on all e-voting machines used in your state. Spread the word--make everyone you know aware of Diebold's failure to protect our votes on their machines. Find out how your state is addressing this problem by going to the website,, and "Select Your State" on the left-hand side of the page.

As True Majority states, "Taking the simple step of demanding a voter verified paper trail is both affordable and practical—and will allow our nation to use touch-screen voting for the benefits of easily accommodating multiple languages, arrangements for people with disabilities and more. But currently, computer voting systems are too vulnerable to tampering and failure to risk this year’s elections."