Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Corporate Greed Unchecked

THIS is what happens when greed taints the market.

Dennis Kozlowski, former Tyco chairman and former CFO, Mark Swartz, looted the company of some $600,000,000.00 while they were in charge.

They thought it was OK to steal from the company they headed because they felt they deserved it. Thanks to their abundant greed, they are now two of many "poster boys" for corporate excess. Dennis, Mark and all the other CEOs and execs still out there who loot the companies they are supposed to be serving fail to comprehend that they DO NOT deserve ANY amount of stolen money no matter how important they perceive themselves.

Kozlowski's and Swartz's actions are prime examples of greed's negative impact on the market. Greed causes unnatural amounts of money to be funneled into the hands of a few. Left unchecked and unregulated, greed will eventually cause the markets to implode, collapse and lead to the erosion of the middle class to near extinction.

Above: Defendants Mark Swartz (left) and L. Dennis Kozlowski (right) of Tyco Int'l. Photo from CBS News.

More on the current greedy financial environment in America to follow in upcoming posts.