Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Rumsfeld Caught On Video

You've probably heard the Bush administration, in recent weeks, deny using the term "imminent threat" in the months leading up to the Iraq invasion.

Here's a video clip of Bush's own Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, caught right on national television blatantly lying about it and then being confronted with the quotes spoken directly from his mouth in September of 2002 using the terms "imminent threat" and "immediate threat" to describe Iraq's weapons capabilities.

If you can't believe your eyes and ears the first time, click here to see it again.

How can this arrogant and deceitful behavior be defended? How can we trust this administration to tell the truth?