Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Barack Obama and Ilana Wexler

If you watch or listen to just a few people's words from the Democratic National Convention, 2 that I would wholeheartedly recommend are:

Barack Obama is a very moving and exceptionally bright Democratic Senatorial candidate from the state of Illinois. He is the son of a Kenyan and Kansan and has a very compelling story to tell. Click HERE to watch him tell it. If you prefer, you can just listen to the audio of his speech by clicking HERE.

The other very short speech I highly recommend listening to was delivered by Ilana Wexler, the 12-year-old founder of the national "Kids for Kerry" organization. Click HERE to watch Ilana. If you prefer, you can just listen to the audio of her short speech by clicking HERE.