Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Public Servant and Celebrity Sightings

On a lighter note...

While I was working my first shift at the Democratic National Convention here at the Ritz Carlton-Back Bay in Boston today, I spotted or came in contact with the following public servants and celebrities:

Above: James Carville, author, Democratic Political Advisor/Analyst, CNN Political Commentator and co-host of CNN's show, "Crossfire."

Above: Rep. John Lewis, Democratic Congressman from Georgia who fought for Black Civil Rights with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr in the 1960s.

Above: Larry King, host of CNN's show, "Larry King Live."

Above: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Congresswoman from California.

Above: Paul Begala, author, Democratic Political Advisor/Analyst, CNN Political Commentator and co-host of CNN's show, "Crossfire."

Above: Rep. Harold Ford, Jr., Democratic Congressman from Tennessee.

Above: Tom Delonge of the band, "Blink 182."

Above: Rep. Robert Matsui, Democratic Congressman from California.

Above: Rep. Patrick Kennedy, Democratic Congressman from Rhode Island, and son of Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

Above: Mark Warner, Democratic Governor of Virginia.

Above: Anita Hill, infamous figure from the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.

Above: Gary Hart, former Senator from Colorado.

Above: David S. Broder, Washington Post Political Writer.