Worst President Ever
A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.
Want to stop the lies, liars and the lying liars who tell them? Tired of being perpetually lied to, day after day? Sick of hearing the liars say we should "stay the course" when you know so much is going so wrong because the liars are telling so many lies?
Then, VOTE FOR CHANGE NOVEMBER 2ND! You have the power to fire the liars purportedly representing us!
Click HERE to view a short video clip demonstrating why we must vote the liars out of office.
You will need QuickTime Player installed to view the above video clip. If you do not yet have QuickTime Player, click HERE to download it for free.
Above: Edwards and Cheney the Liar sat together at a "prayer breakfast" February 1, 2001. Cheney the Liar said at the breakfast, "Congressman Watts, Sen. Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I are honored to be with you all this morning."
Above: Cheney the Liar is standing on the left, next to Senator Edwards, as the junior Senator from North Carolina, Elizabeth Dole, is sworn into office, January 2003.
Contrary to what Cheney the Liar said in the debate last night, of COURSE Edwards and Cheney the Liar have met before!! What a pathological LIAR!
Click HERE to learn more about how Cheney lies.
Holy crap, Thursday's presidential debate was HILARIOUS!
It was hysterical to watch such a lopsided debate--with Shrub just repeating himself over and over and over...making awkward gestures, facial expessions...and showing the world what he truly is--a rich, selfish, bratty son who knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING!
To watch Kerry is to see true leadership and intelligence, which is no more abundantly obvious than when he's in the same room as Shrub discussing the issues.
Hell, I had to check to make sure I hadn't mistaken the challenger for the incumbent Shrub was so unpresidential! Shrub is our current president? Kerry is the challenger? WHAT?
Click HERE to learn more about the 1st debate.
On September 30, 2004, President George Bush went on national television to debate foreign policy with Senator John Kerry.
Did he look like someone you’d trust with your future? Did he seem decisive?
Did you feel reassured? Did he seem clear, coherent, credible?
John Kerry has demonstrated he has the courage, compassion and credibility to lead this country during a difficult time. We trust him to take the job seriously.