Balance - New England

A blog devoted, in part, to pointing out pieces of truth, injustice and those little-known stories that don't necessarily make the headlines, but demand our attention nevertheless.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Progressive Radio Network Launches Today

Welcome to the LEFT side of the radio dial!

As mentioned in a previous post, Air America launched today and no matter where you live, you can listen to the shows live if you have an internet connection.

Click HERE to listen to shows like "The O'Franken Factor" with Al Franken, or "The Majority Report" with Janeane Garofalo.

It's full of satire, comedy (think 'The Daily Show' on Comedy Central or Saturday Night Live's 'Weekend Update' with Tina Fay and Jimmy Fallon) and, just as important, Air America is finally getting our progessive message out into the mainstream.

So, go ahead and give it a try--click HERE to start listening live!

I have added a permanent hyperlink to the live stream of Air America on the right-hand side of this page for added convenience.

If the above links are not working (I've heard demand has been pushing Air America's servers to the limit), click HERE for an alternative live stream.

If you live in one of the following cities or areas, you can listen to Air America on AM radio:

New York - WLIB 1190 AM

Los Angeles - KBLA 1580 AM

Chicago - WNTD 950 AM

Portland, OR- KPOJ 620 AM

Inland Empire, CA- KCAA 1050 AM

Minneapolis MN - WMNN 1330AM

...more cities and stations to come very soon!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Fresh, Natural, Organic Food

Do you want fresh, locally grown, organic food, but don't know where to find it?

The map on the website,, makes it easy to find family farms, farmers markets and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area. Just click here to go to the website. Then click on the map to zoom in, or search with their search form for quick results.

LocalHarvest maintains a definitive and reliable "living" public nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources. Go ahead and check it out--click here!

You may also want to find out if there is a Whole Foods Market near where you live. More and more people are buying their groceries from Whole Foods, which is now the fastest-growing grocery store chain in the country.

Click here to go to the Whole Foods website to learn more about them. Or, click here for a listing of Whole Foods stores (just click on your state at the top of the page).

Sunday, March 28, 2004

High Electric Bill...MUST be growing Pot!

Imagine going about your daily routine only to be stopped by the police with a search warrant in hand.

Now imagine, knowing you have done nothing wrong and after letting them search your home and go through your private property, that you find out the reason they got a search warrant was because you have a high electric bill.

When you ask how that can be, the police state that you were under suspicion of growing marijuana.

Sound bizarre? Well, that's exactly what happened to a family in California recently.

Click here to learn about how having a high electric bill can lead to authorities suspecting that you're growing a marijuana farm.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Bush Makes Fun of Not Finding WMD

Bush thinks it's funny that no Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found in Iraq despite the fact that over 500 U.S. soldiers have died, that countless innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed and that we, the taxpayers, have paid over $80,000,000,000.00 because he said there were WMD.

Click HERE to learn more about Bush's despicable "joke."

Progressives Are Laughing--And Getting Our Message Out, Too!

Thanks to all the whacked-out material Bush and the conservatives have given us, political satire is on the rise and it's not what it used to be.

The tide has turned: the "crazy conservative" is now all the rage! Click here to learn more about how "progressives are busily bridging the humor-and satire-gaps that once separated liberals from Rush Limbaugh and his countless imitators. Comedy, one of the biggest weapons in the progressive arsenal, is once again (remember Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, Second City) being used to effectively get the liberal message out in fresh, irreverent ways."

"Most promising is that Maher, Al Franken and others like Michael Moore and the Texas populist Jim Hightower are using humor to expose conservatives for what they truly are--mean-spirited, hyperbolic, and hypocritical."

"According to a January Pew Research Center survey, 20 percent of those under 30 receive their political news from places like Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Since late-night comedy, more often than not, skewers the right, the young are hearing a brief against President George W. Bush, and watching these shows not-too-subtly support causes like gay rights, reproductive freedom, alternative energy sources and Internet privacy."

"Bill Maher, star of HBO's Real Time, for example, lambasts Bush for refusing to send troops to Haiti "unless they start doing something there that is really dangerous, like letting gays marry."

Above: Bill Maher, host of Real Time on HBO, Fridays at 8pm Eastern.

"And the level of liberal comedy activity is rising quickly. On March 31, Air America, a progressive radio network, will launch a new 24-hour radio program in three cities, including New York, with hosts ranging from comedian Al Franken ("The O'Franken Factor") and Janeane Garofalo to rap artist Chuck D., Nation author Laura Flanders and former Daily Show writer and co-creator Lizz Winstead."

Note about Air America: Live streaming of Air America Radio shows, along with show archives, will be available at Air America Radio is in negotiations with satellite television and satellite radio providers. These national services will allow potential listeners to tune in anywhere in the country.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Discover Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Are you interested in investing, but want your money to go into companies that understand their primary responsibilty is to maximize the public good resulting from doing business and NOT "doing whatever it takes to make a buck?" Would you like to invest in companies that promote corporate behavior which fosters a more just and sustainable world?

If you'd like to learn more about Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), I'd suggest an exploration of the following websites:

Social - features over 10,000 pages of information on SRI mutual funds, community investments, corporate research, shareowner actions, and daily social investment news.

Social Investment Forum - a national nonprofit membership organization promoting the concept, practice and growth of socially responsible investing.

Domini Social Investments - an investment firm specializing exclusively in socially responsible investing.

Social Investment Organizaton (Canadian) - a national network committed to integrating social responsibility and environmental sustainability with investment.

KLD Research & Analytics - promotes global socially responsible investing by providing superior corporate social research products and services to institutional investors.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Wal-Mart Busted for Disability Discrimination - AGAIN!

Click HERE to learn more about how Wal-Mart has yet again proven it will exploit anyone and everyone it can in order to make a buck.

This time, it's by discriminating against the hiring of people with disabilities.

Houston Schools Zero Dropout Rate ("Texas Miracle") A Lie

Houston's school leaders' arms have been so twisted to reflect decreasing dropout rates that they decided to make up fake numbers to keep their jobs and collect bonuses. They were reporting that their urban schools had NO dropouts. Was this a "Texas Miracle" or a BIG, TEXAS-SIZED LIE? Of course, it was a lie. Click here to learn more about why and how they did it.

This is the school district both President Bush and Secretary of Education Rod Paige have held up as the national showcase for accountability and the model for the federal No Child Left Behind law.

Is this what we want as a model for schools across the entire country? Would we rather our school leaders lie about the state of our schools and go into complete denial than face the challenges and work collectively, with our teachers who know our students best, toward actually improving education?

Bush and Paige have serious contempt for education, which is not uncommon among conservatives. Click here to learn why the right-wing hates public education.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Walter Cronkite: In Defense of Liberalism

Walter Cronkite wrote this article to John Kerry. His message: BE A PROUD LIBERAL!

Friday, March 19, 2004

Rumsfeld Caught On Video

You've probably heard the Bush administration, in recent weeks, deny using the term "imminent threat" in the months leading up to the Iraq invasion.

Here's a video clip of Bush's own Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, caught right on national television blatantly lying about it and then being confronted with the quotes spoken directly from his mouth in September of 2002 using the terms "imminent threat" and "immediate threat" to describe Iraq's weapons capabilities.

If you can't believe your eyes and ears the first time, click here to see it again.

How can this arrogant and deceitful behavior be defended? How can we trust this administration to tell the truth?

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Corporate Greed Unchecked

THIS is what happens when greed taints the market.

Dennis Kozlowski, former Tyco chairman and former CFO, Mark Swartz, looted the company of some $600,000,000.00 while they were in charge.

They thought it was OK to steal from the company they headed because they felt they deserved it. Thanks to their abundant greed, they are now two of many "poster boys" for corporate excess. Dennis, Mark and all the other CEOs and execs still out there who loot the companies they are supposed to be serving fail to comprehend that they DO NOT deserve ANY amount of stolen money no matter how important they perceive themselves.

Kozlowski's and Swartz's actions are prime examples of greed's negative impact on the market. Greed causes unnatural amounts of money to be funneled into the hands of a few. Left unchecked and unregulated, greed will eventually cause the markets to implode, collapse and lead to the erosion of the middle class to near extinction.

Above: Defendants Mark Swartz (left) and L. Dennis Kozlowski (right) of Tyco Int'l. Photo from CBS News.

More on the current greedy financial environment in America to follow in upcoming posts.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


President Bush attacked his opponents yesterday, saying, "If you're going to make an accusation, you ought to back it up with facts." (1) But on everything from the economy to national security, this high standard stands in sharp contrast to the president's own behavior.

On Iraq, President Bush said before the war that Iraq "recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa" (2) despite the CIA previously warning the White House not to make this factually inaccurate statement (3). He also said there was "no doubt the Iraqi regime continues to possess the most lethal weapons ever devised" (4) despite receiving repeated warnings that there was little hard evidence Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction after 1991 (5). He even said that "we found the weapons of mass destruction" when none had been found (6).

On economic policy, President Bush said that, with his tax plan, "by far the vast majority of the help goes to the people at the bottom end of the economic ladder." (7) In fact, according to Congress' bipartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, households making less than $40,000 - roughly the bottom half of the economic ladder - would receive only 10 percent of Bush's income tax cut.

On the budget, President Bush said, "This nation has got a deficit because we have been through a war." (8) He said this two months after his own budget acknowledged that his economic policies and tax cuts for the wealthy - not the war - were what created the largest deficits in American history. (9)


1. Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Balkenende of the Netherlands in a Photo Opportunity, 03/16/2004.

2. State of the Union, 01/28/2003.

3. "Bush Aides Disclose Warnings From CIA", Washington Post, 07/23/2003.

4. President Says Saddam Hussein Must Leave Iraq Within 48 Hours, 03/17/2003.

5. "Doubts, dissent stripped from public Iraq assessment", Mercury News, 02/09/2004.

6. Interview of the President by TVP, Poland, 05/29/2003.

7. "Serial Exaggerators", Fair.Org.

8. President Discusses Plan for Economic Growth in Ohio, 04/24/2003.

9. "Secrets of S-3",, 02/12/2003.

This post is from

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Homer Simpson Gets His Tax Cut

Click here to learn a bit about how this satirical cartoon speaks some truth.

Image from

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Socialists Grab Power From Conservatives In Spain

I wouldn't normally highlight a big story like this except for the fact that Spain's is the first national election taking place in a country that supported the Iraq war last year.

The governing right-of-center Popular Party suffered a loss of 35 seats in the Spanish Congress while the opposition Socialist Party gained 39 seats in today's elections. High voter turnout (about 76%) translated into this massive political power swing in Spain.

Leading up to the elections today, the Popular Party seemed to have cleared the way for a narrow win. But, the bombing of Madrid's commuter trains last week and the indication afterward that it may have been retaliation for the Spanish government's support of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq resulted in high voter turnout and the ousting of the governing party's power. The attack revived public opposition to Spain's presence in Iraq. The people of Spain, like the British people, were adamantly opposed to the invasion with some 90% of Spaniards disagreeing with Prime Minister Aznar and his Popular Party's position to support the United States.

The above photo was taken during a silent march through central Barcelona on Friday, March 12. The sign reads, "Could this picture have cost us 200 deaths?" referring to the 200 people who died in the Madrid train blasts. Below that it says, "No More Lies - No More Deaths - No More War." Photo from Reuters.

Is voter reaction in Spain an isolated event? Or, is it an indication of a broader, growing world-wide resentment for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq?

Si usted entiende español, chasque aquí para ir al periódico más grande de España, El Pais, y leer más sobre las elecciones.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Advocacy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities are one of the most overlooked and forgotten groups in our country. Find out the resources your community provides to those with disabilities. Help increase the independence and mobility of your differently-abled yet courageous neighbors.

Please consider visiting the following not-for-profit group websites and making a donation of time or money, if possible:

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund

Disability Rights Advocates

Independent Living Institute

"As long as we regard our disabilities as tragedies, we will be pitied. As long as we feel ashamed of who we are, our lives will be regarded as useless. As long as we remain silent, we will be told by others what to do."

- Adolf Ratzka, 2003

There Is No Such Thing As A "Free Market"

Click here to learn about this charge put forth by Thom Hartmann.

The Computer Ate My Vote!

Have you heard of e-voting, yet? How about the company Diebold?

If not, you're bound to hear more about how Diebold's AccuVote-TS machines used for electronic voting in a growing number of states have serious security flaws prone to hackers. Just as important, these e-voting machines do not, by default, provide voter-verifiable paper ballots to counteract the ill-will of hackers.

Having a paper-trail to confirm votes in the event of a recount may seem like a no-brainer to you and me, but Diebold has so far resisted adding affordable, voter-verifiable paper ballots unless coerced to do so by the states in which their machines are used.

To date, secretaries of state in California, Nevada, Vermont and Washington have taken steps to make certain each citizen's vote will be recorded on paper. Those are democrats and republicans, showing this is not an issue of partisanship but of safeguarding our democracy.

You can help ensure your vote will be counted by contacting your state election officials to demand a paper-trail on all e-voting machines used in your state. Spread the word--make everyone you know aware of Diebold's failure to protect our votes on their machines. Find out how your state is addressing this problem by going to the website,, and "Select Your State" on the left-hand side of the page.

As True Majority states, "Taking the simple step of demanding a voter verified paper trail is both affordable and practical—and will allow our nation to use touch-screen voting for the benefits of easily accommodating multiple languages, arrangements for people with disabilities and more. But currently, computer voting systems are too vulnerable to tampering and failure to risk this year’s elections."

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Working and Poor in the USA

For generations, Americans shared a tacit understanding that if you worked hard, you could earn a livable income and provide basic security for yourself and your family. That promise has been broken. More than 30 million Americans--one in four workers--are stuck in low-wage jobs that do not provide the basics for a decent life.

  • Click for Page 2 of this article.
  • Click for Page 3 of this article.